He states he prays before each surgery, and asks his patient to do the same as their homework and contribution to the team. The results speak for themselves, this guy is world renowned, and even gets onto TV in the UK....
Yet what of our NHS? Will they learn from such leaders? It seems we are determined to suppress any formal mention of God. Recently a nurse has been suspended just for offering to pray for an elderly patient. The patient was not even offended! Yet the nurse was suspended.
From the BBC:
Community nurse Caroline Petrie says she asked an elderly woman patient during a home visit if she wanted her to say a prayer for her. Mrs Petrie follows the Baptist faith.
The woman wasn't offended but was concerned that someone else might be". As a result of this Mrs Petrie was suspended, without pay, on 17 December 2008 and will find out the outcome of her disciplinary meeting next week. You can sign a petition on her behalf here.
It could be excusable of we had proof that our NHS treatment beat Dr Ben Carson's, but it doesn't. It seem so sad that our NHS take such a line, something that has only come in over the least 30 - 40 years. A London hospital in the 1970s used to start each day with prayers on the wards, and Jan regularly prayed with her patients. What we have lost...