Sunday, March 1, 2009

1 year anniversary - all clear

Jan had her first year anniversary checkup 2 days ago, thankfully all clear. Jan saw the consultant surgeon, who merely felt her breast, and was unconcerned so no mammogram was taken.

As neither he nor she could not feel the original cancer, it only showed on mammogram and then ultrasound this is not too re-assuring, but a mammogram is scheduled for 6 months time.

The nest day I reflected on how we relied on a clear outcome, and how devastating a recurrence of cancer would be. We have just booked two foreign holidays for the next 3 months without any cancellation insurance. Any re-arranging to fit around hospital visits would be so depressing. So we thank God for this good news.

Jan continues with a slight skin rash, attributed to the long since abandoned Tamoxifen, and pain in her shoulder, attributed to Arimidex. But so far she lives with that to reduce the risk of recurrence.

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