Friday, March 21, 2008

A blessing or curse?

Two days ago we attended "Stainer's Crucifixion". Thanks to the local Methodist Church for opening up this performance to all. What the non believing world saw as a curse on Jesus in reality was the means for us to receive the blessing of our sins forgiven.

So God turns curses into blessings. John Piper says "You will waste your cancer if you believe it is a curse and not a gift". His book adds "The blessing comes in what God does for us, with us and through us." He quotes the bible to explain this from:

James chapter 1 verses 2 to 5
1 Peter chapter 1 verses 3 to 9
Romans chapter 5 verses 1 to 5
and Romans chapter 8 verses 18 to 39.

We prayed for healing but received Jesus. We read today in Colossians chapter 2 verse 1 how St. Paul "was struggling for the Colossians, and those at Laodicea". He meant he prayed earnestly that they would stay true to the gospel of Jesus.

God enables Jan to share her hope that she has in Jesus and struggle in prayer for others in similar circumstances:

  1. Three weeks ago our church service had been led by a lady recovered from breast cancer about 9 years previously. A week later she hugged Jan, asked how we were, then said she had found a second lump. This happened whilst on her "holiday of a lifetime" with her husband, and to save spoiling his holiday she kept it secret until her return home. How horrible! She undergoes surgery this week by the same surgeon who operated on Jan, without even a biopsy beforehand which shows how seriously the medical team take it. Jan phones her regularly to re-assure her.
  2. Another friend whom Jan encorages is now on her first week of radiotherapy.
  3. Jan has waited now for 24 days for results of tests. It means she can empathise and encourage a friend who invited us for a meal this week and shared she is also awaiting test results.
So through these three recent examples we can see how God is turning what could be thought of as a curse into a blessing.

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