Sunday, March 9, 2008

Secret of contentment

I feel I need to know about the side effects of cancer treatment before next Wednesday's meeting with the surgeon to discuss follow on treatment. I looked at how to minimise the side effects, it shocked me. Side effects discussed included hair loss, lymphedema, peripheral neuropathy and memory loss. But on lymphedema and hair loss I believe we have some encouraging tips:

Jan had been told by our UK medical team that she should not lift more than 15 to 20 pounds with her left arm. If true how could she do heavy washing, or vacuuming? In looking at lymphedema on American web sites I found their view is that the jury is out. Some doctors say that a gradual return to full previous activity and lifting helps protect against lymphedema. I pass the good news on to Jan immediately, and within a hour hear the vacuum being used again. Great news, the power of the Internet!

For those of you who think I am a callous chauvinist this data came from a top team in the USA, which included an MD from Cornell University, not a group of health food quacks. It is still available as an audio from

We went to church today, it was a great encouragement:

  1. the service started with an interview of a Chinese christian nurse. She had worked treating the rich and famous alongside probably the world's most famous doctor. She had given that up to work for a pitance at risk of persecution in a chinese village. The life changing power she saw bringing young drug addicts and HIV sufferers to new life in Christ was "unbelievable". I would love to say more, but as yesterday's Observer newspaper said there are now 54,000 Chinese government officers checking emails for "unlawful" activity to say more could jeopardise her ministry in China
  2. the sermon was so relevant to our needs: based on Philipians chapter 4, verses 4 to 13. St Paul says "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation." This is a repeat of what we read ourselves 2 days previously, God must be emphasing it to us"

Some of Paul's secrets must include giving up his claim to safety and wealth, laying it all before Christ, just like the chinese nurse. Then Paul says twice in verse 4 "rejoice". And in verse 6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

replace worry with prayer
replace complaining with thanksgiving

After the service Jan spent so long encouraging a fellow cancer sufferer that I was able to talk to the Chinese nurse at length! We were the last to leave the church that lunchtime. To say more about the situation in China, I attach a link to a book we read over our last summer holiday, titled "The Heavenly Man" This link has excerpts from the book, quite a read. It is reviewed, and gets five stars here:

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