Friday, August 29, 2008

Ohio State rate Curcumin

Jan's mammogram results were all clear we presume that her skin reaction is an allergy to tamoxifen that will die down, or do we have bedbugs? It got as far as a consultant surgeon with scalpel ready to do a biopsy, but he felt the skin was too clear for it to be cancer so held off, and wants to see Jan in 6 months time.

So we are back on diet as our main tool to limit recurrence of cancer....

I read this Ohio State University research report with interest, published in August 2008. We eat the Indian curry spice, tuneric, whose active ingredient of curcumin. So far we are part way through our second jar, which as a food costs less than a £1! Contrast that with possibly the less effective Arimidex at over £1000 p.a

It seems that the scientists are modifying the curcumin molecule, maybe paving the way for a patented drug, and big pharma moving in with funded research on what has to date been a cheap potential cure. Is that good news or bad? It makes me more certain that curcumin could be a life saver. I bet big pharma will charge more than an Indian curry!

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