Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tamoxifen allergy or Pagets?

Jan saw the oncology department again on 24th Sept. She saw yet another doctor, there has been no continuity at all in that department. This registrar seemed even less experienced and uncertain.

If Jan has an allergic reaction to Tamoxifen causing multiple skin eruptions it continues, though it is hardly any worse than at the last visit. Could the Tamoxifen or its allergic effects be taking over six weeks to purge from Jan's body? It seems to have the oncologists in panic. After the previous visit on August 13th she had to see three specialist doctors urgently within a week. This visit was no less dramatic.

The starting comment was “you should see the consultant surgeon urgently”. Jan replied, “we have a holiday booked to start in a week's time” which saw an urgent appointment to see him that same afternoon. He took a biopsy to look for the possibility of Paget’s disease, another unpleasant breast cancer. She was later phoned with an appointment to see a gynaecologist within 12 days and expects an appointment to follow to see a dermatologist and a return to the oncologist……..

So we find it alarming, certainly not re-assuring. When I use Google I find the chances are between 4 and 5 to 1 that it is a reaction to Tamoxifen rather than more cancers. The one concern I have is does the research on skin effects of Tamoxifen exaggerate those risks to make the more expensive Arimidex look safer?

In this period of doubt we plan to jet off to Portugal to relax on a warm beach! We won't know the results of the biopsy until after our return....the wonders of our NHS! Maybe it is a test of our faith in God for a full cure?

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