Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Saturday

Easter Saturday

Thanks to a friend who emailed me today with these thoughts.

What were disciples doing on Easter Saturday, and why do we so concentrate on Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Our current state of waiting for results is so like the disciples state on that Saturday. Their world had been abruptly turned upside down by Jesus who they saw as their leader being crucified, and they were in fear of their own lives. Jan's has been put on hold by cancer, and indeed fear is part of that. The disciples' faith was tested as they waited to see if Jesus' promised resurrection would come true. Jan's faith is similarly stretched.

We empathise with their situation, and look forward in faith to the same power of Jesus that was demonstrated by his resurrection, be that by healing, or taking us with him through the "valley of the shadow of death" mentioned in Psalm 23.

1 comment:

AnneDroid said...

Just stumbled across your blog - through "caravanning" as a shared link on our profiles!

It's very moving to read, and also insightful, as we try to support my mother-in-law who has (advanced)lung cancer.

I like what you say about Easter Saturday too - you're right, both about us not making enough of it and about the waiting thing. I'm a prison chaplain but a hospital chaplain I knew used to say the reason doctors call you patients is because patient is just what you need to be, what with all the waiting for this test and that result or treatment or appointment or whatever...

God bless you both.
