Thursday, April 17, 2008

Your life in your hands

Jan is off to be measured up for radiotherapy this morning, at bit like a made to measure suit. As a joke I suggested she stop breathing whilst the scan was taken to ensure accuracy, as a breast going up and down must be hard to "image". Thinks, this precision beam isn't really precision, I bet they get 2cm of the lungs.

We received Professor Jane Plant's book this morning, Amazon as efficient as normal. Already skimmed it all, taken two hours, it is so interesting. The title "Your life in your hands" takes the theme that there is much one can do about breast cancer, one need not lie down as a victim and die. I am not yet a vegetarian nut, I still do not know what a vegan is. So I read her work as good science, not as a nutty alternative medicine crack pot.

It could provide the proof I need to persuade Jan to place more emphasis on diet than conventional treatment. Jan is coming around to that way of thinking, returning from yesterday's market with 11 different packs of fresh fruit! I hope Jane's experience in her book convinces Jan. I am hopeful, for example I notice Jane also uses red clover, a herb Jan has relied on in the past and wants to use again even though 2 doctors have already told her stop taking it.

We share Jane's view that lifestyle affects cancer. She found conventional treatment failed so looked at nutrition. We were forced to look at nutrition as the only available help after the NHS hospital lost Jan's test results, mammogram, and even said she wasn't on their computerised appointment system. Contrast this to Amazon booksellers who have yet to lose a single one of my orders. Both Jane and Jan have been forced to look at diet and lifestyle.

Jane looks at Chinese experience, I looked at Polish. See my late March post titled "In praise of Poland" for my ideas on Polish lifestyle giving a 300% benefit when the best drug gives 31%. Jane claims even more from a Chinese lifestyle.

I also agree with her horror at the lack of scientific awareness amongst our politicians and civil service who govern our food and drug safety. She pours scorn on the vested interests and lack of knowledge that allow dangerous foods into the UK. Some examples:

  • Yesterday's press covered the increased mortality associated with taking vitamin supplements. Yet so often these are pushed as a healthy option.
  • The USA bans transfats, yet they are allowed in the UK.
  • It is known that women taking 2 units a day of alcohol increase risk of breast cancer by 32%. Yet Europe's biggest cancer hospital, the Royal Marsden, publish a booklet which we were given for breast cancer which states "if you enjoy alcohol taking up to two units a day is OK". Why not tell the truth or give us facts so that we can decide???
  • Osteoporosis is a side effect of breast cancer treatments, so calcium in the body is vital. Yet on page 124 Jane quotes the government who state correctly "several populations consume calcium below the UK's RDA with no evidence of adverse effects." So who dreamt up the RDA for the UK? This becomes important as Jane's diet cuts one's calcium intake, do we trust Jane or the government?

I like Jane's feisty attitude which she mixes with faith. She refused Tamoxifen, the world standard drug that is causing Jan problems at present. It takes some guts to refuse what everyone else in the world takes to reduce risk of recurrence, and instead trust in her ideas on diet. She has of course now survived for 15 years... She lists her vicar as one of the helpful people in her recovery from terminal cancer. Her book could help save Jan's and others' lives. It is on Amazon here.

Thanks to Bob Snyder who emailed this

"As we submit our lives and work to God we have more than enough resources to accomplish His plans. And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

This puts the balance back, your life is in God's hands, he provides and guides you. He provided this chance lead to Jane's book.

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